E – Books

1.Computer Architecture CA - Fourth Edition
CA - Fifth Edition
2Design and Analysis of Algorithms DAA - Click here to view
Operating Systems
Abraham Silberschatz - Operating System Concepts (9th,2012.12)
Linux System Administration - Adelstein Lubanovic
William Stallings - Operating Systems:Internals and Design Principles(7th Edition)-2011.2.28
4Distributed SystemsGeorge coulouris distributed systems concepts and design-5th Edition
Distributed systems principles and paradigms - 2nd Edition

Object Oriented Analysis And Design
Applying UML and Patterns On Introduction to OOAD and Iterative Development,Third Edition
java design patterns - Tutorial
Larman - Applying Uml And Patterns- Introduction To OO Analysis Design RUP
OOAD understanding system development with UML
OOAD with applications 2ndedition - Grady Booch
6Mobile ComputingMobile Computing 2nd Edition Jochen Schiller
7Distributed Systemsgeorge coulouris- Distributed systems concepts and design 5thedition
Distributed systems principles and paradigms 2nd edition
8Human Computer InteractionHuman computer interaction
Designing Web Interfaces - Bill Scott
Mobile Design and Development
Information Retrieval
Information Retrieval in Practice, 1st Edition Addison Wesley, 2009
Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation, 2nd Edition Wiley, 2010.
10Cryptography and Network Security Stallings - Cryptography and Network Security
Stallings - 6th Edition

Allen B Downy thinkpython2
Exploring Python
How To Solve It By Computer
Introduction to Computation and Programming using Python (rev. ed.) [Guttag 2013-08-09]
Introduction to Computation and Programming using Python (Spring 2013 ed.) [Guttag 2013]
Introduction to Computer Science using Python_ A Computational Problem-Solving Focus [Dierbach 2012-12-25]
Practical Programming An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python Jennifer Campbell 2009
Prescribed book
python book - 01
python tutorial
Think Python
Think Python
Software Engineering
Pressman - 7th Edition
Software Engineering 5th Edition
Software engineering 8th Edition Ian Sommerville
13Computer ForensicsGuide to Computer Forensics and Investigations 3rd ed - B. Nelson, et al.,(Cengage, 2010) BBS
Internet Security - Man Young Rhee
14Multicore ArchitectureAddison-Wesley (2)
MCA - BOOK (unit - 1,3,4,5)