Conference Sponsored by Management

Name of the StudentTitle of the project /Sponsorship DetailsAmount(Rs)
Sonia Prakash
Start-Up Community Using Block ChainRs.50,000
R.Sakthi Priya BalajiUnified Method to Block Pornographic Images in Websites - World Academy of Science and Technology (International Conference) – USA - 2009Rs.62,500
KK.Prasanna KumarANN based character recognizer with remote recognition for mobile devices to help visually challenged – ICINC 2010, IEEE conference Rs.25,500
V.Ganga BharaniTrack Manager to Aid the Blind and the visually disabled ICECECE 2010Rs.35,500
Praveen. C.GanapathyUtilization of Main memory by reallocation of pages and user based process scheduling – IEEE ICIET 2011Rs.47,816
M.Karthikeyan & R.BalajiIntelligent Traffic Monitoring and Analysis system for Emergency Rescue services – IEEE ICCEI 2011Rs. 11,750
R.AnithaDeep iCrawl An Intelligent vision Based deep web crawler ICDMKE 2011Rs. 36,839