The Department of CSE is organizing an event titled ” SKILLRACK ORIENTATION FOR II YEARS” on 25.9.2021, Friday @ 11:00AM to 12:00PM through ZOOM.

The Department of CSE is organizing an event titled ” SKILLRACK ORIENTATION FOR II YEARS” on 25.9.2021, Friday @ 11:00AM to 12:00PM through ZOOM.

Department of CSE in association with MANYA – THE PRINCETON REVIEW is organizing a virtual Webinar on 24.09.2021 @ 3:00PM to 4:00PM through Zoom.

Department of CSE in association with MANYA – THE PRINCETON REVIEW is organizing a virtual Webinar on 24.09.2021 @ 3:00PM to 4:00PM through Zoom.

The Computer Science Department and IIC – Institution’s Innovation Council cordially invite you all for the Inauguration of CAREER GUIDANCE CELL and followed by a webinar on Entrepreneurial Career and Start-up ideas by Mr.GOVINDARAJ IEDS, Joint Director, MSME Technical Centre, Chennai and our alumni Mr. PRASATH PRABHAKARAN , Chief Operating Officer, Timeless Co, Chennai, on 22/09/2021 between 10.00 a.m to 11.45 a.m through online.

The Computer Science Department and IIC – Institution’s Innovation Council cordially invite you all for the Inauguration of CAREER GUIDANCE CELL and followed by a webinar on Entrepreneurial Career and Start-up ideas by Mr.GOVINDARAJ IEDS, Joint Director, MSME Technical Centre, Chennai and our alumni Mr. PRASATH PRABHAKARAN , Chief Operating Officer, Timeless Co, Chennai, on… Continue reading The Computer Science Department and IIC – Institution’s Innovation Council cordially invite you all for the Inauguration of CAREER GUIDANCE CELL and followed by a webinar on Entrepreneurial Career and Start-up ideas by Mr.GOVINDARAJ IEDS, Joint Director, MSME Technical Centre, Chennai and our alumni Mr. PRASATH PRABHAKARAN , Chief Operating Officer, Timeless Co, Chennai, on 22/09/2021 between 10.00 a.m to 11.45 a.m through online.

The Computer Science Department in association with Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Institute of Engineers (IEI) is conducting a “Webinar on Carrier Guidance on Study Abroad” for our 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students on 18/09/2021 between 6.00 p.m to 7.00 p.m by our Alumni Mr.Prajithraj S, University of Melbourne, Australia and Ms.Sneha Srikanth, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA.

The Computer Science Department in association with Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Institute of Engineers (IEI) is conducting a “Webinar on Carrier Guidance on Study Abroad” for our 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students on 18/09/2021 between 6.00 p.m to 7.00 p.m by our Alumni Mr.Prajithraj S, University of Melbourne, Australia and Ms.Sneha… Continue reading The Computer Science Department in association with Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Institute of Engineers (IEI) is conducting a “Webinar on Carrier Guidance on Study Abroad” for our 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students on 18/09/2021 between 6.00 p.m to 7.00 p.m by our Alumni Mr.Prajithraj S, University of Melbourne, Australia and Ms.Sneha Srikanth, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA.

The Department of CSE in association with LEMA LABS is conducting a “WORKSHOP ON BUILDING IoT APPLICATION USING NODE MCU” by Mr.A.Parthiban, Team Lead – Business Development, LEMA LABS, IIT Madras Incubation Cell, IIT MADRAS Research Park,Chennai,for our 2nd year students on 17/09/2021 between 10.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m through online.

The Department of CSE in association with LEMA LABS is conducting a “WORKSHOP ON BUILDING IoT APPLICATION USING NODE MCU” by Mr.A.Parthiban, Team Lead – Business Development, LEMA LABS, IIT Madras Incubation Cell, IIT MADRAS Research Park,Chennai,for our 2nd year students on 17/09/2021 between 10.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m through online.

The Department of CSE and Association of Computer Science Engineers – SAICOMPFEST presents “SYNSARA ’21 – A National Level Techfest” on 30/09/2021 and 01/10/2021.

The Department of CSE and Association of Computer Science Engineers – SAICOMPFEST presents “SYNSARA ’21 – A National Level Techfest” on 30/09/2021 and 01/10/2021.

The Department of CSE, IT and ECE in association with CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY, is organizing the Innovative Talk on : CISCO IDEATHON for Cisco Netacad Student.

The Department of CSE, IT and ECE in association with CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY, is organizing the Innovative Talk on : CISCO IDEATHON for Cisco Netacad Student.

Sairam CODE CLUB is conducting a “Train the Trainer Programme on KNIME DATA ANALYTICS TOOL for our Students” from 07/09/2021 to 09/09/2021 between 6.30 p.m to 7.30 p.m through online by Dr.M.Nithya, Associate Professor from Sairam – Computer Science Engineering will be the resource person for this training program.

Sairam CODE CLUB is conducting a “Train the Trainer Programme on KNIME DATA ANALYTICS TOOL for our Students” from 07/09/2021 to 09/09/2021 between 6.30 p.m to 7.30 p.m through online by Dr.M.Nithya, Associate Professor from Sairam – Computer Science Engineering will be the resource person for this training program.

The Department of CSE in association with IEEE ITS Chapter is conducting an ALUMNI TALK on “Foundation Masterclass : Project Preparation for Beginners” for our students on 07/09/2021 between 12.00 p.m to 01.00 p.m through online.

The Department of CSE in association with IEEE ITS Chapter is conducting an ALUMNI TALK on “Foundation Masterclass : Project Preparation for Beginners” for our students on 07/09/2021 between 12.00 p.m to 01.00 p.m through online.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is conducting a VIRTUAL *SKILLRACK ORIENTATION FOR PRE FINAL YEAR STUDENTS* on 27/08/2021 between 01:45 p.m to 2.45 p.m.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is conducting a VIRTUAL *SKILLRACK ORIENTATION FOR PRE FINAL YEAR STUDENTS* on 27/08/2021 between 01:45 p.m to 2.45 p.m.