The Computer Science Department is organizing an event titled ” VOICE OF ALUMNI ” webinar for our 3rd year and 4th year students on Wednesday – 25/08/2021 from 2.45 p.m to 4.15 p.m through zoom with our eminent Alumni speakers from 2017-2021 Batch.
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The Computer Science Department is organizing an event titled ” VOICE OF ALUMNI ” webinar for our 3rd year and 4th year students on Wednesday – 25/08/2021 from 2.45 p.m to 4.15 p.m through zoom with our eminent Alumni speakers from 2017-2021 Batch.
On account of World Entrepreneurs Day, The Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with IIC is conducting a *A TALK WITH STARTUP FOUNDER* for our 3rd year and 4th year students on Monday – 23/08/2021 between 10 a.m to 11 a.m.
The Computer Science Department is organising Alumni Talk on TCS Digital Placement for 2018- 2022 Batch (Final year) students on 21.8.2021 Saturday from 11:00am to 12:00 pm on Google Meet. Mr. Hariharan K (2017-2021) , Systems Engineer, TCS & Mr. Dinesh S Y (2017-2021) , Systems Engineer, TCS as our Alumni speakers for this event.
The Computer Science & Engineering in association with IEEE Information Theory Society (ITS) SEC Student Branch Chapter requesting the pleasure of your company for “Induction Program for welcoming our Second year Students” followed by an IEEE Awareness Program titled ” IGNITING TRAILBLAZERS ” on Thursday 19.8 2021 from 10am to 12pm, Hosting on Zoom.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering is organizing a 5 days Online Faculty Development Programme on “Open Source Tools for Data Analytics” from 24.05.2021 to 28.05.2021
Department of CSE in association with IEEE SEC Student Branch, inaugurating IEEE INFORMATION THEORY SOCIETY( ITS) Technical Talk on “Emerging Trends & Supports Extended by IEEE” on 10.08.2021 by Dr.V.Gomathi M.Tech, PhD, Chairman, IEEE Information Theory(ITS), IEEE Madras Section through Zoom.
SAIRAM CODE CLUB and SKILL DEVELOPMENT CLUB is conducting a “5 Days Virtual Python Training for Sairam School Students” from 27/07/2021 to 03/08/2021 between 2.00 p.m to 4.00 p.m.